The color of the sailors' uniforms has repeatedly changed, as has the uniform itself. Lightweight canvas was considered the optimal material until the 80s and was actively used in the Russian fleet due to its convenience and practicality.
But has the form always been so, and what colors have been used in the past? Which of them have remained relevant today, and why is the front form always white?
What colors are used in the navy?
For the fleet, white and blue or blue shades have been considered traditional for the first century. These are the colors of the sea, the colors of St. Andrew's flag, the only shades that can be found during many months of sailing on the sea. White is the color of sea foam, breakers, clouds and ice in the ocean, blue and blue are the colors of the sky and the sea. For practical reasons, black also appeared in the assortment of colors used to create the form.
Of course, not because at night the sea expanses also become black, but because during the transition from sailing ships to steam vessels, it became necessary to work with coal and maintain coal furnaces, and this work also appeared on the shoulders of sailors. Dark blue and black clothes were very handy.
Interesting fact: “stripedness” of sailors wearing vests and other clothes made of a combination of white and blue is not accidental. With this choice of colors, you can clearly see the work of each person on the deck, and when a person falls overboard, he can also be seen immediately.These colors create a comfortable contrast to the background of the sea and sails.
Dark shades of clothing remained relevant for everyday work, however, it was necessary to choose a formal color, which should look especially elegant and bright. Of all the colors relevant to the marine form, it was white that turned out to be the most vivid, festive, attractive. It is not surprising that he was chosen to create a dress uniform. A white jacket and black trousers, or a completely white uniform - that's what a sailor looks like at a holiday building.
Has the white uniform always been ceremonial?
In the past, the white marine form was also actively used, and it was far from always that it was the ceremonial one. The sailors who served in the Black Sea Fleet wore it constantly, even during daily work. The white color was prescribed by him not by chance - it was he who did not fade in bright sunlight, excluded surface heating, and, therefore, saved the sailor from heat and overheating. The white sea form is very relevant when traveling in hot latitudes, because it is problematic to hide from the midday heat on the deck.
The modern order in the marine form was put in place in 1951, the formal form of white was approved. However there was also a black version, and today both of them remain relevant. Which option will be relevant for a particular planned event is usually decided by the head of the garrison. Practice shows that wearing a white dress uniform is not necessary too often, it is usually worn no more often than a couple of times a year.In the Black Sea Fleet, where white is traditional, such clothes are worn more often.
Thus, the white dress uniform in the Navy is logical - of the authorized naval colors, white is the most beautiful, festive. However, it is worth noting that there is a ceremonial uniform in black, and in addition, the everyday work clothes of sailors in white. And they all remain relevant over the past decades.