Most of the volume of outer space is emptiness. Carrying out their cosmic pa, they gravitationally act on each other, causing swelling of oceanic waters on the surfaces of the planets. Gravity is the force of gravity acting between all material objects without exception.
What is the ebb and flow?
Ocean tides are regular rises and drops in the water level of the World Ocean in response to gravitational influences, that is, to gravity. When the ocean rises to its highest point, and this happens every 13 hours, this is called a tide. When water drops to its lowest point, this is called low tide. If you come to rest on the sea beach at high tide, then you observe the effect of worlds sweeping past the Earth in the eternal darkness of space.
What causes hot flashes?
The sun, moon and other bodies of the solar system act on the water and land of the earth by the force of their gravity. But only the moon and the sun have a practical effect. The sun, although it is very far (149 million kilometers), is so massive that its gravity is great.
Interesting fact: the attraction of the moon is a force that causes ocean tides.
The moon is very small (its mass is1/ 81 part of the mass of the Earth), but it has a pronounced gravitational effect on the Earth due to its close distance from it (380,000 kilometers).
Interesting fact: when the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same line, that is, at the new moon, the tides are especially strong.
The effects of the position of the moon on the tides
Despite the strong gravity of the huge Sun, the small Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, has a much greater effect on the tides. In addition, the force of attraction of the moon noticeably varies from site to site of the earth's surface. These changes are due to the different distances of different parts of the earth's surface from the moon at each given point in time.
The area of water directly below the Moon will experience the greatest lunar attraction, since these waters are closer to the Moon than the waters on the opposite side of the Earth. However, tides in both hemispheres occur at the same time. Why is this so?
Why do tides in both hemispheres occur simultaneously?
On the side of the Earth that faces the Moon, water rushes from the Earth toward the Moon, carried away by the force of lunar attraction. On the opposite side, due to the tide on the "front" side, the land is literally pulled out from under the water, which leads to the tide on the "back" side. As the Earth rotates and the Moon moves, the tide is replaced by low tide.
Spring tides
In contrast to the Moon, the Sun is so far away from us that its gravity is the same in both hemispheres. Therefore, it does not have such a dramatic effect on the oceans as the moon. However, when the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same line, that is, at the new moon, the tides are especially high and the tides are especially deep (for some reason such tides are called spring tides, although they occur all year round). This is how a normal tide begins.Water, like any liquid, is very fluid (if you lower your hand into the water, you can make sure that its movements do not cause almost any resistance).
The gravity of the moon is too small to simply lift water into the air. Instead, this is what happens. The moon moves around the Earth and pulls a mass of water along with it by the force of its attraction. The force of gravity is not very large, but to force water to flow on the surface, a large force is not required. When this wall of water is approaching land up to two meters high, its dimensions increase even more. Tides rise above sea level sometimes up to 10-12 meters. Tidal water raised in one place causes outflow of water in other parts of the coast.